We use video to make change where it matters
And so can you!

Over the last 25 years, we have delivered
more than 600 projects in over 75
countries. And that’s just the beginning!


Thumbnail of services: Consultancy, training, courses

Maasai Kenya participatory video

A global network of community-led hubs

The impact of our efforts is tangible through our work with Indigenous Peoples worldwide. Read our latest report to learn more about our partners, our work, our impact, and how you can support our mission.

Annual report

Take a look at our recent work using participatory media with communities around the world. Download here or click on the image below.

InsightShare Annual

Help us to amplify voices

When you contribute to InsightShare, you are supporting the work of our Network. This helps Indigenous communities around the world protect their lands, rights and cultures.


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